Final Countdown: artBLISS & an interview with polymer clay artist Christine Damm

by Cindy on September 18, 2013


artBLISS 2013

The final countdown is here!  

In a little over a week we’ll be packing our tools and heading to artBLISS  for a weekend full of workshops and socializing – enjoying the camaraderie of being among like-minded artists.  Does this sound good to you?  You’re in luck because there are a few seats left in several of the workshops!  By now you probably know your schedule for the weekend of Sept. 27th – 28th….and if it looks like you’ll have a day free, please come and join us!

See all of the artBLISS workshops here

Today I’m interviewing one of our artBLISS instructors, Christine Damm.  Christine will be traveling down from New England to teach a couple of workshops you do not want to miss!   If you want to make your own custom jewelry components, Colorful Landscapes is a class for you.  You’ll learn what to do with inks, chalk and paint as you create layers and texture on polymer clay elements.  In Worlds of Color, Christine will teach you how to make your own beads, pendants and more. This class is packed with tips and techniques, and you’ll be sure to leave full of new-found inspiration.

What are some of your basic tools and supplies?

The most essential tools to bring to class are your brain, your creativity and your curiosity! Seriously, the tool and supply list is on the artBLISS website, at the end of the class description. Don’t stress if you can’t get something–I have plenty of tools to loan. I’m bringing dozens of texture plates and molds but bring your favorite ones as well. And please—no alcohol inks! We have tons of beautiful pigments and crayons and pencils so come prepared to discover something new.

Layered Heart by Christine Damm

What is one of your favorite techniques that will be covered in class?

One of my favorite techniques that we’ll cover in class:  my new pigment discovery (obsession!) – the Pan Pastel line of pastels. If you’ve ever used chalk before, this will knock your socks off– not your mother’s pastels! The colors can be applied to be bold or subtle and they blend beautifully. If you don’t like it– just sand it off and start again! Couldn’t be easier to apply but the effects are stunning. And we’ll be using these  with clay to create a faux porcelain look for your beads and elements– I call it “Polyporcelain”.

Coral Reef earrings by Christine Damm

Coral Reef by Christine Damm

Is there anything surprising that students will learn in class?

One surprising thing we’ll learn in class: How many things can you do with one technique?  In the Colorful Landscapes class, I’ve come up with over 17 projects that you can do with just one simple technique. Add all the ways you can color your creation and you have one technique that could keep you going for months.

And a few more examples of Christine’s fine work.  I can’t wait to see these brand new pieces up close and in person at artBLISS!

Down the Rabbit Hole by Christine Damm

Untitled by Christine Damm, featuring her signature wavy beads

Thank you for sharing, Christine!  If you have ever taken a class before with Christine, you’ll know she is very generous with information and her enthusiasm for her art is contagious.   Attendees at artBLISS will have the rare opportunity to learn from Christine Damm, an artist in the forefront of the polymer clay field.

Highlights for artBLISS 2013:

We hope to see you there!

artbliss 2013



Cindy Wimmer, jewelry designer

Cindy Wimmer is a jewelry designer with a passion for combining vintage elements with modern wire design.   She is the co-founder of artBLISS, hosting jewelry and mixed media workshops in the DC area. Her wire jewelry design book , The Missing Link, will be released in the Fall of 2013.

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

cynthia September 19, 2013 at 8:13 am

oh this sounds like so much fun! wish I could be there 🙂

Erin Siegel September 19, 2013 at 10:35 am

YAY!!! Can’t wait to see you and give you a big hug. Crossing fingers and toes you will have your books! I have a good feeling they WILL be there! 🙂

Kayla Potega September 19, 2013 at 5:53 pm

One of these years when I have the money, I’m going to make it to ArtBliss! I’ve been following the adventures of you and many other artists who go each year and it sounds like such a fun thing to do, especially with all those new and exciting classes and workshops 🙂

Great ‘meeting’ Christine Damm and learning about what she teaches. Her creations are stunning!

Mary Harding September 20, 2013 at 6:28 am

Wonderful interview with Christine Damm. Thanks so much for showing all the pics and the great interview questions. I just know it will be a wonderful event. Wish it were closer by. Wishing I were on my way!!

Michelle Buettner September 21, 2013 at 10:48 am

Man Cindy, this is one bead/jewelry event that I would absolutely LOVE to attend!! I’ve had it on my ‘wish list’ for a few years now! Wish it wasn’t so far away from me. Great interview w/Christine, and oh wow – her pieces are just amazing. Such talent! How fun it would be to attend her class. Hope you all have an excellent time and I can’t wait to see everyone’s posts and pics when you all return!

Patty Miller October 18, 2013 at 12:24 pm

This book looks very exciting! The kind of work I am interested in. i can’t wait to see it!

Lori Anderson November 13, 2015 at 7:01 pm

Accidentally found this when looking for Christine — her work is so creative, it never fails to amaze me. So glad to have a necklace with her beads and focal in it.

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