6th Bead Soup Blog Party!

by Cindy on July 28, 2012


The Bead Soup Blog Party is back….for the 6th round! This great big bead-swap-design-challenge-blog hop has become so popular that there are 3 separate reveal dates this time around.  And to celebrate, I have a SURPRISE for you at the end of this post.   Thank you, Lori, for hosting this online party that now spans 45 U.S. states and 25 countries – can you believe it?  I’m especially excited for Lori as her book, Bead Soup is due out before too long!

My bead swap partner hails all the way from Texas – the wonderfully talented Nan Emmett.   I know many of you are familiar with her work – her beautiful ceramic beads and components.  I absolutely love her rustic style and the colors the colors she works with….and many of you love her work too, seeing how quickly it always sells from her shop!

I have a quick story I have to share….and this illustrates out connected we all are in this jewelry community.  It seems that once we become familiar with another like-minded beading soul, our paths will eventually cross again…..it may take a few years, or a few blog parties, as in my case.  Way back in the very first blog party, Nan Emmett hosted a giveaway in her BSBP post. Do you remember it?  She gathered up an incredibly generous assortment of ceramic beads. Guess who won them?? 🙂  I couldn’t believe my luck. And that luck continued on as I had a few jewelry pieces published later using some of those giveaway beads…. there are just so many Bead Soup Blog Party stories, and this is one of mine.  SO happy to come full circle and be partnered with Nan.  So enough talking, let’s see the goods!  

My Bead Soup that traveled from TX to VA!




A shot of the clasp in my Bead Soup mix.  Nan made the clasp from polymer clay in the same pattern that she used in the focal.


Using the copper in the clasp as a cue, I set to work in my favorite medium.   I twisted and coiled copper wire, and later oxidized and hand-polished it link by link.


I wanted to use the heart focal in a way that wasn’t expected.  I created a focal cluster, hanging the ceramic heart with tiny copper beads to a twisted wire ring.  I mixed in additional handmade components, such as the resin pendant by Jade Scott and the sweet ceramic bird by LeAnn Weih.

I was excited when I finished my BSBP piece, because although I like the challenge, my favorite part is the photo op that comes afterwards!  I love gathering up my props and figuring out how to style my pictures.  For this special occasion, I couldn’t wait to break out my brand new but old chippy white board.  Just picked this up at the DC Big Flea last weekend, as a matter of fact.


Did you catch that part in the first paragraph about a surprise?  I wanted to pass along a spirit of giving that Nan shared with me many Bead Soup parties ago and host a little give away too!  I made a bracelet just for you – to say thank you for stopping by.  You’ll be entered to win with your comment on this post.  I know it takes a long time to visit the many blogs in this party, so I’ll wait to announce the winner on the Bead Soup Blog party second reveal date – August 11th!


Now don’t forget to visit Nan’s blog to see what she created with the bead soup that I sent – a mix created around an ornate, vintage pin!t   *Update:  I LOVE what Nan created!  She even saved some of the bead soup that she sent to me to mix in with what I sent to her….go see!


On to the rest of the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party Participants!


 Hostess, Lori Anderson, PrettyThingsBlog.com
Alice Craddick,  Alice’s Beads and Baubles
Alicia Marinache,  All The Pretty Things
Amanda Tibbetts,  Amanda Made
Amber Dawn Goldish, Inventive Soul
Annita Wilson,  AW Jewelry
Beti Horvath, Stringing Fool
Birgitta Lejonklou,  Create With Spirit
Candida Castleberry,    Spinning Spun Sugar
Carolyn Lawson, Carolyn’s Creations
Cassie Donlen, Glass Beadle
Cheryl McCloud,  One Thing Leads to Another
Cheryl Roe, BeadRoe
Christina Hickman, Vintage Treasures Jewelry
Christine Hendrickson,  Clamworks
Cilla Watkins, Tell Your Girlfriends
Cindy Wilson, Mommy’s Dream
Cindy Wimmer, Sweet Bead Studio
Cory Celaya, Art With Moxie
Cory Tompkins, Tealwater Designs
Cris Peacock, Cris’ Page
Cynthia Deis, Shiny Little Things
Cynthia Machata, Antiquity Travelers
Cynthia Wainscott, Exotic Peru
Dana Hickey, Magpie Approved
Denielle Hagerman, Some Beads and Other Things
Diane Valasek, Dragonfly Close
Doris Stumpf, Glaszwerg
Dyanne Everett-Cantrell, Dee-Liteful Jewelry Creations
Elaine Robitaille, Too Aquarius
Eleanor Burian-Mohr, The Charmed Life
Enikö Fabian, Perl-eni
Erin Prais-Hintz, Treasures Found
Heather Davis, Blissful Garden Beads
Hilary Frye, FryeStyle
Inge von Roos, Inge’s Blog
Jami Shipp, Celebrating Life
Jennifer Cameron, Glass Addictions
Jennifer Pottner, Rock Candy Beads
Jennifer VanBenschoten,  Jewelry, Art and Life
Jenny Davies-Reazor, Jenny Davies-Reazor
Jenny Vidberg, Shyme Design
Jessica Dickens, My Jewelry, My Life, Me
Jessica Klaaren, Beadful-Things by Jessica
Joan Williams, Lilruby Jewelry
Judith Johnston, Judith Johnston
Judy Riggs, Rigglettes
Judy Turner, Silver Rains
Julie Anne Leggett, The Peaceful Bead
K Hutchinson, Jumbled Hutch
Karen Meador, Dreamcatcher Ranch
Karyn Bonfiglio, Plus Size Bangles
Katherine Gale, Terra Beadworks
Kathleen Lange Klik, Modern Nature Studio
Katja Benevol Gabrijelcic, Slovonske Technobe
Kelli Jacobson, Creative Moon
Kelly Ramstack, Adventures with Kelly
Keri Lee Sereika, Pink Lemonade
Kim Bender-Hora, KimmyKat
Kirsi Luostarinen, Kirsi Luo Korut
Kitty Bozzini, Kitty Lampwork
Laura Demoya, The Bead Therapist
Laurie Hanna, Laurie’s Jewelbox
Leah Curtis, Beady Eyed Bunny
Lesley Watt, The Gossiping Goddess
Linda Inhelder, Must-Haves Jewelry
Lisa Liddy, Metal Me This
Mallory Hoffman, For the Love of Beads
Marge Beebe, Rock Creek Creations
Marianna Boylan, Pretty Shiny Things
Marion Simmons, Shade Tree Studio
Marla Gibson, Spice Box Design
Marta Weaver, Marta Weaver Jewelry
Marti Conrad, Marti C’s Clay Blog
Maryse Fritzsch-Thillens, GlassBeadArt, Lampwork Beads
Melanie Brooks, Earthenwood Studio
Michelle Hardy, Firefly Visions
Mikala Coates, Maybe Just Perhaps
Mowse Doyle, HoCArt
Nancy Boylan, Snazzy Doodle Designs
Nancy Peterson, Beading From the Heart
Nicole Rennell, Nicole Rennell Designs
Niki Meiners, 365 Days of Craft
Niky Sayers, Silver Nik Nats
Norma Turvey, Moonlit Fantaseas
Paige Maxim, Paige Maxim Designs
Pamela Gangler, She Always Loved Pink
Perri Jackson, Shaktipaj Designs
Raida Disbrow, Havana Beads
Renetha Stanziano, Lamplight Crafts
Shannon Hicks, Falling Into the Sky
Shannon LeVart, Miss Fickle Media
Sharon Driscoll, Right Turn Art Werks
Shelley Graham Turner, Fabric of My Life
Sherri Stokey, Knot Just Macrame
Shirley Moore, Beads and Bread
Skylar Bre’z, Brising Beads
Stacie Florer, Soul to Substance
Stacie Stamper, Park Avenue
Stacy Alderson, Iridal’s Attic
Stephanie Haussler, Pixybug Designs
Stephanie Stamper, Rainy Day Designs
Suzette Bentley, Ellie’s Bijoux
Tammy Jones, Jewelry Making Daily
Tanty Sri Hartanti, TJewellicious by Tanti
Terry Matuszyk, Pink Chapeau
Vonna Maslanka, Just Vonna

{ 30 comments… read them below or add one }

Dana July 31, 2012 at 1:12 pm

How wonderfully whimsical it turned out! Love the soup you received and what you did with it!

Rosalynn July 31, 2012 at 1:37 pm

Ooh la la! I love that necklace and bracelet! Your designs always strike me as just right and your wirework adds such a wonderful finish to the components you choose. Having the lovely beads that Nan sent certainly made the job easier but you complimented her work beautifully once again.

Elly Snare July 31, 2012 at 2:24 pm

So, I think I’m in love with your necklace and bracelet! Absolutely gorgeous…the wire, the beads, the ceramic focal (and what a focal!)…the whole thing is perfect. Sigh.


Beth Emery July 31, 2012 at 4:01 pm

Wow! I just love this necklace! The wire work is inspiring, with the little wrapped circles and those little red beads in the front. Just superb. Really really fabulous! And I’m totally in love with your bracelet.

CraftyHope July 31, 2012 at 5:30 pm

It’s no surprise to me that I absolutely, unequivocally, desperate LOVE what you made with your soup. As well, the pictures of it are astounding. I apologize for taking so long to visit, but I’ve been trying to randomly hop the list. Fabulous work as always!

Kelli aka Creative Moon July 31, 2012 at 9:28 pm

I absolutely love what you made with your wonderful soup!!! Amazing! =)

Becky Pancake July 31, 2012 at 10:29 pm

I can usually pick your pieces out as your before I see who made them. You have a distinct style. Really like your designs.

Katherine Gale July 31, 2012 at 10:36 pm

I am totally in LOVE with your beautiful necklace and bracelet. You have such an inspiring way of designing and finishing every piece. I would be more than delighted to wear them. I am still making my way around the blogs but find myself lingering here…

Dhea July 31, 2012 at 10:42 pm

I love the goodies Nan sent you and I love what you did with them. BEAUTIFUL! job!! ~ Dhea

Dhea July 31, 2012 at 10:43 pm

I love the beads that Nan sent you and I LOVE what you did with them. BEAUTIFUL job!!!! ~ Dhea

Adlinah August 1, 2012 at 1:48 am

Lucky, lucky duck! I love Nan’s work, and I think you did an amazing job with what she sent. Total respect for the amount of work and effort that went into the necklace. And of course, I don’t have to add that I would love that bracelet. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Pepita August 1, 2012 at 12:40 pm

Oh, I love the colorfulness of your necklace and the bracelet as well!!! Beautiful pieces!

Belinda August 1, 2012 at 1:51 pm

Awesome necklace and bracelet! I think that is my favorite color combination, not to mention with all of the copper, another favorite. Great job!

sandra August 1, 2012 at 11:25 pm

as all your work, this piece is gorgeous. love the how you combined the colors.

Lupe Meter August 2, 2012 at 12:13 am

Your work is always stunning and you did an awesome job with your bead soup!! Love it!

Tammie August 2, 2012 at 6:36 am

Just Lovely Cindy. A great blending of color & texture. I also really like your architectural wooden photo piece, very cool way to display your work.

Kathy Lindemer August 2, 2012 at 8:10 am

I love the ingredients and the soup. Copper and aqua are 2 of my favorite combinations. All of your pieces are gorgeous. I love the photos that you took. They are creative and beautiful.

I would love to give your bracelet that you are giving away a home. Thanks for sponsoring a giveaway. I am giving away some Marsha Neal silk ribbons on my Bay Moon Design Blog. I would love to have folks enter my giveaway also.

Erin Prais-Hintz August 2, 2012 at 12:16 pm

Simply divine, Miss Cindy! I love the color palette. It is so rich, so lively. Your wire work always amazes and intrigues me. Thanks for the chance to win a piece of your art. Someone will be lucky indeed. Enjoy the day. Erin

marcia August 2, 2012 at 4:43 pm

Beautiful soft teals, love so much. I’m a first time beadsouper and I’m really enjoying the reveals. I’m a little scared about mine on the 11th August, especially since I’m partnered with the amazing Lori Anderson!!

Molly Cavalier August 3, 2012 at 3:50 am

I loved the beads and the way they are beautifully arranged to form a necklace….its very impressive/…. Good job

Susan Robson Tobin August 3, 2012 at 3:01 pm

Beautiful piece you made. And I ADORE the pieces you sent to Nan. Well done.

LoriF August 3, 2012 at 10:33 pm

That necklace is absolutely gorgeous, Cindy! Love the color combination and the eccentricity of the elements~nice work! Thrilled to be able to drop my hat into the ring for the bracelet as well!

August 6, 2012 at 3:47 pm

you are so talented, I love your designs!
the necklace is wonderful, really a great job!
thank you for the giveaway 🙂
ciao dall’Italia

Kathy Lindemer August 8, 2012 at 3:54 pm

I love the beads that Nan sent you. The necklace is just gorgeous. I love how you created the focal in a unique way.

Tricia August 8, 2012 at 8:17 pm

It’s ALL beautiful – such a great job on all. ~~T

Torque Story August 11, 2012 at 10:40 pm

Lovely necklace and giveaway bracelet and a gracious post too.

Ann August 16, 2012 at 7:51 am

I love the wrapped rings! Very nice components!

Alicia August 25, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Oh, wow – words are not enough. That necklace is a piece of art!

Josh September 12, 2012 at 4:39 pm

I love the beads in your bead soup! My girlfriend makes hemp necklaces and bracelets with beads that she gets from a local store that gets them from all over the world. She has some pretty cool beads that she has found. I like yours too. Keep up the good work.

Lecia Woessner January 2, 2014 at 1:14 pm

Awesome!!! Sooooo Awesome! I love them both! I love you Cindy!!! I’m a “newbie” and I just got your book & every time I visit your blog I get soooo inspired! I’m thrilled to have and desperately needed all of the instruction provided in your book. Thank you so much for sharing all of your talent & skills with me!!!

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