Week 2 prompt: Your Word (of the Year).
I’ll admit I’ve never chosen a word of the year before 2013. In the past, I thought it seemed like the trendy thing to do so I stayed clear of joining in. I had a change of heart this year after reading this post by Stephenie Zamora. Stephenie wrote about selecting a guiding word. Rather than declaring resolutions, she encouraged her readers to select a word that would be their guiding focus for the year. I could do that! I like the idea of having a theme for the year, captured in a single word. My word for the year?
Intentional (Adjective) – Done on purpose; deliberate. Synonyms – deliberate, willful, purposeful, intended.
Intentional is an active word, it packs a bit of a punch. I like that. I’ve been thinking about my time, things that are important to me, and what I hope to accomplish. Rather than letting life just happen, I want to work more on living with purpose. In this post on zenhabits, you’ll read some great thoughts on intentional living. I’m bookmarking this post as a reminder throughout the year. Let’s make each moment count!
Intentionally yours,
Cindy 🙂
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Yup!!!! This word is making a lot of sense to me today after my half hour spent trying to write up my own post 🙂
And so far I have been a “go with the flow” kind of person, not really knowing what I liked, what I don’t. Just do what everyone else is doing and be very agreeable.
I have realized I don’t want to be that person anymore. This bookmark is going to help me too!
And…great picture as always!
Awesome. And thanks for the zenhabits link. I was just thinking tonight as I started doing the dishes that I should use this time as “me” time to sort out my thoughts etc. So cool that that was mentioned. I love your photograph. Very cool and so apropos. Love this project!!!
Great word Cindy. I like the idea of a guiding word too rather than a resolution. I enjoyed reading the post you linked to. This is such a great project for enrichment. I am so glad you are along.
Love the picture Cindy! I’ve never had a word for the year before either but I thought that this year it would be good to have a reminder to relax a bit more, so that’s my word! Last year was just too frantic at times.
a great photo and a great word!
may you live every day of 2013 with intention…
I’m no. 21 on the list btw 🙂
Super perfect word, Cindy. Just perfect!
I agree with selecting a “guiding word” versus ANY use of the word “resolution”! Living life with purpose – I really like that.
Love your photo and great word, I know it can be hard being intentional as you are juggling life, your word will help!! I love zen habits!!
Intentional is a power word…and by being aware of it daily, your life, I suspect, will develop a clarity like never before. Awesome word…and thank you for linking to Stephanie’s post…look forward to reading it!
Guide. Love that word too. Not having ever chosen a word or made resolutions I needed to think about this assignment… Love your photograph!
What a great word and a fun photo!!! In the last two years I have chosen a word but quickly forgot about it. Your word speaks to me, as does your quote: “Rather than letting life just happen, I want to work more on living with purpose” which is something I need to remember. Thanks for a wonderful post.
That is a great word. We all need to think about our actions. Sometimes it is so easy to get swept away. The photo is awesome. I love shadows and the kiddo is fascinated with how long they can get.
Wow! Love the picture and it’s intentionality! (Is that a word? If it wasn’t before it is now!) Nice job illustrating your concept.
Excellent word. Active instead of reactive. Now that you have a word to guide you, I look forward to seeing what becomes of it.
What a powerful word! I love the meaning that it has taken on for you. Great photo too! This is the first year that I also have chosen a word (for pretty much the same reason).
Ooh, good word! Living purposefully is something we should all strive to do! Being intentional is a great way to go through life!
Great photo for an equally great word for the year! It truly does make one think, doesn’t it? Love it!
Thank you for sharing your word and the zenhabits link which I found very compelling. Best wishes to you for an intentional 2013.
what a great word to live by! and thanks for the zen habits link.
Love, love, love your word! I also love the link to Zenhabits. I have been trying to be more “intentional” before I go to work in the morning the last few weeks. I think it is helping me and helping those I work with during the day. I am going to have to bookmark that page and look it at every once in awhile. Thank you so much for sharing! Love your picture too!!!
A great word. I think I could have adopted that word for the year too. I found it hard to choose just one word for a year. Thanks for that link to Zenhabits, I too am bookmarking that.
I love that word! It’s perfect. We’ve been talking about this kind of thing and the Buddhist idea of mindfulness (which is my husband’s word for the decade — things take longer when you’re our age. HA). I have chosen Movement as mine because it has numerous meanings and connotations and my need for movement attaches to each meaning & connotations. I wish you well with intentional living, Cindy.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard of choosing a guiding word before, but I think that’s absolutely awesome! It’s not like a resolution where you feel pressured to finish it or else, but it’s more of a guideline to live consciously with your word for the rest of the year 🙂
I think you picked a fabulous word!
Great pic and word!
Hi Cindy,
I do not see you having any trouble at all with living intentionally. You have always seemed like a person with a sound purpose in life.
Great photo! Love your word.
Cindy, what a powerful and empowering guide word! Intentional! May your daily actions be filled with purpose and may those intentional acts open many doors of opportunity for the coming year!
Your photo captures the word beautifully!
Great word. I am a real fan of Zenhabits
This is such a positive word. I want to be intentional about my word! Love the pic!!
Very thoughtful and powerful word Cindy! Great photo too. I have to head over to Sally’s blog and get in on her challenge.
Beautiful word – to live your life with purpose is wonderful! Very powerful too – the picture is adorable 🙂
I second everyones comments – this was almost my word as well. Powerful, strong.
Completely agree with you! I have never picked a word before this year, and couldn’t settle on one that was some sort of resolution …. but liked the idea of a theme or guiding idea. Intentional is a wonderful word. Doing those things that matter, that you thought about … great word!
I never did resolutions either, but framing my year with a word works for me. I like the idea that it is a guiding word. I also have a goal to have a piece of handmade art with the word on it posted on my wall in my studio as a reminder of the words that I have chosen. That is a great word! There is so much power in knowing that everything you do is done with intention. That you have a purpose to frame your choices. I look forward to following you and supporting you this year. I wish you joy in the journey this year! Enjoy the day. Erin
My first time picking a word too, this one sure does make a statement. I love your photo too! I have to be sure to catch one like this of me and my daughter. She loves to run and laughs so hard when I can make her shadow disappear in mine – ever the game to escape. 2013 is going to be awesome!
Intentional is a beautiful, beautiful word! It reminds me to stay present in the moment (which is always a challenge for me), and to do things with a purpose and for a reason. Awesome choice, Miss Cindy!
Happy New Year Cindy…
I love your word, intentional…something I’m not as good at as I’d like to be. I flying around by the seat of my pants most of the time, spur of the moment, plan almost nothing. It’s served me well, but to be more INTENTIONAL in my acts & words could be a wonderful gift.
I picked a few words I’m working on this year, one of them LISTEN. I’m listening & truly feeling your word!
Great post Cindy, I’m all for making each moment count, especially after last year. Living with intention carries with it an honoring of life and all the gifts we are given each day and not to squander a single one. I really like that idea.
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